- /intranet/img/projects/10121/
[To Parent Directory]
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 835499 ACF192.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 707135 ACF194.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 835499 ACF196.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 774670 Al-Ghaileen Village, Bura.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 920824 Building material human trasportation.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 835499 Bura District topography.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 831796 Cistern building in Terrace system.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 767650 Cisterns' require catchment area.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 748978 Cofee plantation in terraced mountain slope.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 1800227 Coffee dries in severe drought.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 814901 Coffee in Terraces.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 1637670 Comm. Part. in Project Development (19).JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 842475 Donkeys are valuable transport.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 103309 img_ACF194.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 134910 img_ACF196.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 142036 img_Al-Ghaileen Village, Bura.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 240145 img_Building material human trasportation.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 134910 img_Bura District topography.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 159337 img_Cistern building in Terrace system.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 131722 img_Cisterns' require catchment area.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 116078 img_Cofee plantation in terraced mountain slope.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 269262 img_Coffee dries in severe drought.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 148896 img_Coffee in Terraces.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 153047 img_Comm. Part. in Project Development (19).JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 176172 img_Donkeys are valuable transport.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 103309 img_Overview of Al-Ghaileen Village.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 118793 img_Overview, Al-Ghaileen.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 128060 img_Road building cause land degradation.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 125915 img_Sever slopes in Bura.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 106712 img_Terracing for soil and water conservation.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 196243 img_Woman fetching water.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 707135 Overview of Al-Ghaileen Village.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 779448 Overview, Al-Ghaileen.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 774810 Road building cause land degradation.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 819593 Sever slopes in Bura.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 762185 Terracing for soil and water conservation.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 13197 th_img_ACF194.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 15342 th_img_ACF196.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 17549 th_img_Al-Ghaileen Village, Bura.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 31152 th_img_Building material human trasportation.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 15342 th_img_Bura District topography.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 18246 th_img_Cistern building in Terrace system.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 16894 th_img_Cisterns' require catchment area.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 14276 th_img_Cofee plantation in terraced mountain slope.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 31610 th_img_Coffee dries in severe drought.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 17808 th_img_Coffee in Terraces.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 23357 th_img_Comm. Part. in Project Development (19).JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 22745 th_img_Donkeys are valuable transport.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 13197 th_img_Overview of Al-Ghaileen Village.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 14244 th_img_Overview, Al-Ghaileen.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 16216 th_img_Road building cause land degradation.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 14944 th_img_Sever slopes in Bura.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 12954 th_img_Terracing for soil and water conservation.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 25818 th_img_Woman fetching water.JPG
12/5/2009 4:12 AM 2046460 Woman fetching water.JPG