- /intranet/img/projects/12839/

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12/5/2009 4:01 AM 69986 chicken coops at Pringles.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 76816 Farm land at Pringles Children Home.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 2020314 farmer hard at work juicing cane.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 1818363 farmers cooling out.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 1995334 farmers hard at work juicing cane on the mill.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 80592 Group of young people leaving school with few or no qualificatioins.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 112022 ICT Tools for Organic Farming.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 98975 img_chicken coops at Pringles.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 119616 img_Farm land at Pringles Children Home.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 146116 img_farmer hard at work juicing cane.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 121574 img_farmers cooling out.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 148821 img_farmers hard at work juicing cane on the mill.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 120428 img_Group of young people leaving school with few or no qualificatioins.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 168490 img_ICT Tools for Organic Farming.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 94021 img_Irrigations at Pringles.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 212884 img_on-site farmer training at Jeffrey Town and Bluefields.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 135516 img_participants arrived on site (Jeffrey Town) for their training session.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 170335 img_participants journeyed to training session location.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 171841 img_participants on tour during their training session.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 203701 img_participants posed for a group photo shot after their training sesssion.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 200623 img_participants touring during their on-site farmer training session.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 229265 img_participants went to Jeffrey Town and Bluefields for their on-site farmer training.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 151073 img_partipants observing farm lands during their training session at Jeffrey Town.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 156393 img_Parts of land at Pringles.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 134285 img_Site Assessment in St. Mary.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 169791 img_Small farmers hard at work.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 147920 img_Training-Work shop in session.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 170758 img_view of a section of the vegetation site where trainig was conducted by jsdn.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 174020 img_Work with the already existing organized farmers group.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 66860 Irrigations at Pringles.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 1671017 on-site farmer training at Jeffrey Town and Bluefields.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 87238 participants arrived on site (Jeffrey Town) for their training session.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 117404 participants journeyed to training session location.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 117633 participants on tour during their training session.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 1761797 participants posed for a group photo shot after their training sesssion.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 137525 participants touring during their on-site farmer training session.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 1893787 participants went to Jeffrey Town and Bluefields for their on-site farmer training.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 102521 partipants observing farm lands during their training session at Jeffrey Town.JPG
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 106845 Parts of land at Pringles.jpg
12/5/2009 4:01 AM 89051 Site Assessment in St. Mary.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 2427521 Small farmers hard at work.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 13533 th_img_chicken coops at Pringles.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 19411 th_img_Farm land at Pringles Children Home.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 23650 th_img_farmer hard at work juicing cane.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 19355 th_img_farmers cooling out.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 25511 th_img_farmers hard at work juicing cane on the mill.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 19245 th_img_Group of young people leaving school with few or no qualificatioins.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 25367 th_img_ICT Tools for Organic Farming.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 14058 th_img_Irrigations at Pringles.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 29080 th_img_on-site farmer training at Jeffrey Town and Bluefields.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 20111 th_img_participants arrived on site (Jeffrey Town) for their training session.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 22673 th_img_participants journeyed to training session location.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 24063 th_img_participants on tour during their training session.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 27797 th_img_participants posed for a group photo shot after their training sesssion.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 26695 th_img_participants touring during their on-site farmer training session.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 30670 th_img_participants went to Jeffrey Town and Bluefields for their on-site farmer training.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 20592 th_img_partipants observing farm lands during their training session at Jeffrey Town.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 21474 th_img_Parts of land at Pringles.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 20678 th_img_Site Assessment in St. Mary.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 24989 th_img_Small farmers hard at work.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 23406 th_img_Training-Work shop in session.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 22645 th_img_view of a section of the vegetation site where trainig was conducted by jsdn.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 25452 th_img_Work with the already existing organized farmers group.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 99742 Training-Work shop in session.jpg
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 114423 view of a section of the vegetation site where trainig was conducted by jsdn.JPG
12/5/2009 4:02 AM 122615 Work with the already existing organized farmers group.jpg