- /intranet/img/projects/19708/
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4/23/2014 5:38 AM 337664 Basen_ Greenhouse.jpg
4/23/2014 5:39 AM 282390 Basen_Solar Air Heating sistem.jpg
11/15/2013 8:16 AM 60080 Constructed greenhouse 1.JPG
11/15/2013 8:16 AM 59887 Constructed greenhouse 2.JPG
11/15/2013 8:16 AM 53200 Constructed greenhouse.JPG
9/9/2013 8:10 AM 294277 Construction of the green house.JPG
10/3/2013 12:58 PM 103117 Construction of the greenhouse 1.jpg
7/7/2014 5:52 AM 107120 Greehouse is being operated.JPG
7/7/2014 5:52 AM 90487 Harvest recieved from operation of solar greenhouse.JPG
4/23/2014 5:38 AM 76852 img_Basen_ Greenhouse.jpg
4/23/2014 5:39 AM 60445 img_Basen_Solar Air Heating sistem.jpg
9/9/2013 8:10 AM 76512 img_Construction of the green house.JPG
4/12/2013 11:51 AM 27962 img_Sports hall shower unit.jpg
4/12/2013 11:50 AM 46311 img_Visit to Basen kindergarten.jpg
11/15/2013 8:16 AM 43594 Renovated kindergaten kitchen.JPG
8/15/2013 9:01 AM 28595 Renovation of kindergarten kitchen.jpg
7/7/2014 5:52 AM 80793 Replication of solar system by individual community members.JPG
8/15/2013 9:01 AM 63255 Solar panels installed.jpg
4/12/2013 11:51 AM 145209 Sports hall shower unit.jpg
11/15/2013 8:16 AM 7612 th_Constructed greenhouse 1.JPG
11/15/2013 8:16 AM 6779 th_Constructed greenhouse 2.JPG
11/15/2013 8:16 AM 6689 th_Constructed greenhouse.JPG
10/3/2013 12:58 PM 7399 th_Construction of the greenhouse 1.jpg
7/7/2014 5:52 AM 10744 th_Greehouse is being operated.JPG
7/7/2014 5:52 AM 10486 th_Harvest recieved from operation of solar greenhouse.JPG
4/23/2014 5:38 AM 11008 th_img_Basen_ Greenhouse.jpg
4/23/2014 5:39 AM 8417 th_img_Basen_Solar Air Heating sistem.jpg
9/9/2013 8:10 AM 10657 th_img_Construction of the green house.JPG
4/12/2013 11:51 AM 5368 th_img_Sports hall shower unit.jpg
4/12/2013 11:50 AM 6584 th_img_Visit to Basen kindergarten.jpg
11/15/2013 8:16 AM 6492 th_Renovated kindergaten kitchen.JPG
8/15/2013 9:01 AM 4050 th_Renovation of kindergarten kitchen.jpg
7/7/2014 5:52 AM 8319 th_Replication of solar system by individual community members.JPG
8/15/2013 9:01 AM 8032 th_Solar panels installed.jpg
4/12/2013 11:50 AM 197552 Visit to Basen kindergarten.jpg